Interesting Facts About Coffee

Hello!  amante del cafe( coffee lover). Today I’m going to share some interesting facts about coffee.

# 1
Image result for coffee brazil
 Brazil is the world’s leading producer of coffee, with more than four billion coffee trees. It produces around 33% of the world’s coffee today.

Image result for The cup contained 14,228.1 litres of iced Americano coffee.
North Korea holds the record for the largest iced coffee. The cup contained 14,228.1 liters of iced Americano coffee.

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The word 'coffee' comes from the Arabic word 'qahwah' which refers to a type of wine.


 Coffee beans are only called 'beans' because of the resemblance - they’re actually berries.

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Hawaii is the only American state that grows coffee.

Image result for coffee is banned in mecca
 In three different cultures coffee was banned which are Mecca, Europe and Germany.

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Coffee was discovered by a goat herder. 

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Scientists have successfully turned ground coffee into biodiesel, so one day coffee may be fuelling your car.

Image result for coffee employ 25 million people

Do you know that around the world the coffee industry employs 25 million people.

Image result for ivory coffee
The most expensive coffee in world is Black Ivory Coffee. It can cost up to $1,100 per kilogram. This coffee is produced from part-digested coffee cherries eaten and defecated by Thai elephants.

So, These are the  ten interesting facts about the coffee and there are more than this so to know more facts about coffee you can go to the source. I hope that you find this information useful.



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